
D hunter’s Vendor Program

D Hunter’s Master Vendor Program helps manage large, enterprise-level supplier consolidations, resource transitions, payroll administration, and post-transition programs. We act as the go-between for end-to-end program management, using custom state-of-the-art, processes, toolkits, and dashboards. With 100% success in transitioning resources, our goal is to give you a seamless and easy experience.But if you’re still not sure why to consolidate under our Master Vendor Program, remember that we’re also going to target rogue spend, control risk exposure, and rationalize supplier portfolios.

D Hunter's Master Vendor Service gives you

A single point of contact to manage vendors

Mitigation for co-employment risks

Access to critical resources from sunset suppliers via D-hunters on-going collaborative relationships

Payroll/pass-through management to reduce liabilities and management of contract employees

Time and cost savings by having Collabera handle all invoicing, remittance, timesheet and other administrative processes

Credit towards diversity spend

Comprehensive analytics and reports

State-of-the-art accelerators, frameworks and toolkits that make transitions seamless, efficient, and effective

Robust systems that cover the entire sub-vendor management process

End-to-end resource management including compliance, on-boarding, training and development, and off-boarding